In this blog we will be focusing on rejection and how to overcome it. Rejection is a serious issue that comes with a lot of pain and agony. Some people are really hurting because of the pain of rejection. There are some people living in isolation because they were rejected. Rather you were rejected by family, friends or an employer this too shall pass. The reason why I say that this too shall pass is because everything that we go through in life is just for a moment, it’s just for a season. The most important thing we have to remember is to not waste too much of our time stressing over things that should be irrelevant. Don’t stay stuck in your pain of what went wrong in your life. It’s time to heal, recover and move on. Some people are going through trauma because of their own rejection, so therefore it’s hard for them to love others. People do a good job at pretending, so please don’t be fooled by the people that are hurting you, perfect lives. Don’t be fooled by their social media life because we do not know what goes on behind closed doors. Unhappy people like to make other people unhappy. They will treat you horribly and turn it around to make it seem like something is wrong with you.
Have you ever noticed that you never liked being around the people who rejected you? There are some relationships that cannot be corrected because some people refuse to change. Never change who you are just to be accepted by others. If you have to do certain things for people to accept you that is not a good way of life. If you cannot be yourself around certain people then those relationships are not worth being in. For some people it is their way or no way and they will say whatever they want to say to you and treat you any way they want. When people start disrespecting you it is time to part ways or set boundaries. If it is someone you have to deal with then you will have to set boundaries. The less time you spend around these people it will help with you to recover, heal and move on. Rejection causes us to be wounded and healing may take time. So it is better to forgive the people who rejected you and move on. Forgiving is part of the healing process. You are not doing it for them you are doing it for yourself. When you forgive them, you release them from your mind, spirit and soul. Keep pushing through and do whatever you have to do to heal and move on. Keep reading blogs, books and watch videos to help with overcoming rejection. Like I said before healing is a process and it does not happen overnight. Eventually all things will work together for your good. “Let go and let God.”
Give all your worries and care to God, for he cares about you. 1Peter 5:7