In this blog we will talk about fear and how to overcome it. What is fear? Fear is when we are afraid to do something that we have never done before. Fear implies anxiety and usually a loss of courage. Many of us have goals we want to achieve and things in life we want to chase after, but most of us never get what we desire and dream of. Why is that? Most of the time, the number one reason why people never go after what they want is because of this crippling fear and anxiety that holds them back. Sometimes people are afraid of applying for a certain job because they think they are under qualified. Sometimes people are afraid to talk to other people because they are afraid of being rejected. Ultimately, fear stops people from working towards the things they want in life. Learning how to overcome fear is one of the absolute best things you can do for yourself.
Whether we like it or not we have to get out of our comfort zone to overcome our fears. When you start your journey to becoming more fearless, you give yourself the opportunity to gain new experiences, go after what you want no matter what the end result looks like. You have to let go of self limiting beliefs that hold you back from seeing your potential. Once you learn to let go of your fears and anxiety, you stop making excuses and you start making things happen. The world you wish to create for yourself starts to blossom before your eyes and you start to realize that you have the power to shape your world, as long as you stay on the course of fighting through your fears and facing them head on. There’s no need to beat yourself up over the fact that you have fear within you. If you fail at something, learn from it and move on. Fear is a natural emotion that happens to all of us and it is absolutely normal to feel fear from time to time. Learning to face your fears starts by getting to the root of the problem and taking steps to overcome them. Here are a few tips to help you overcome your fears.
- Recognize Your Fears And The Excuses
Fear makes you put things off. You may have a seminar that you have to speak at, and you keep pushing the date back or you may even get so much anxiety that you will find a way to get out of speaking at the seminar. Sometimes we use excuses as a way to mask our fears by stating we have other things to do or we can’t do it right at this moment. One way to get to the root of your fears is to reevaluate your excuses. Are you making excuses because you really can’t do that one particular thing at the moment or are you making excuses because you are afraid of what may happen? Well you will never know what may happen until you break out of your comfort zone and just do it. Writing down the things you have to do and why you won’t do them is a great way to see why you keep making excuses and whether they are out of fear or not.
- Get Into A Growth Mindset
When you experience fear, most of the time you have self limiting beliefs about yourself. You think you can’t go after what you want because you believe that you don’t have the ability. Well guess what, if you don’t get over your fears you will never achieve your dreams. You have to remember that fear is a temporary emotion. It happens to us when we are out of our comfort zone. Fear keeps us at a stand still, and the goal in life is to always be growing and changing for the better. How can we do this if we live in fear? Overcoming your fears means making changes in your life that will help you grow and achieve the life you have always dreamed of. You don’t need to be perfect in every step you take during your journey. Everything in life is a learning experience. We have to learn before we become good at something. We never stop learning, always remember that. It’s about getting comfortable with the unknown and continuing to go through it anyway.
- Visualize Your Goals And Nothing Else
So at this point do not focus on the emotions that are causing you to fear and doubt yourself. As you start to visualize the goals that you want to achieve, get excited by thinking about the end results. When things go wrong and do not work out in our favor some of us give up. But instead of giving up, start reevaluating the situation and see what you can do to make it better the next time, learn what you have to learn from it and move on. When you have a goal, it is best to keep that goal in mind and not think too much about the things that could go wrong during your journey. Sometimes just doing it rather than overthinking it is the best way to go. No matter what you are after, go for it without thinking too hard about it.
Whatever is making you fearful, just know that you are greater and bigger than your fears. Always take it easy on yourself as you learn to overcome your fears and don’t give up on your dreams just because things aren’t going as you think they should. Once you let go of your fears, you will start to realize that you have the power and potential to live the life you deserve.